Hunter Purvis
About Writer
I am a writer in every sense of the word. I write as a hobby and for a living.
Writing is not just a profession for me; it’s a way of life and an art form.
I engage in both creative and professional writing.
I am interested in the following types of professional writing:
Copywriting, content writing, grant writing, proposal writing, technical writing, script writing, creative writing, etc.
Major: Professional Writing Minor: Minor: Philosophy and Religious Studies RELEVANT COURSES/PROJECTS - Courses: Business Writing, Theories of Writing, Technical Communication, Editing and Publishing, Multimedia Writing, Professional Writing Capstone, and Intro to Graphic Design. - Projects: redesigning a brochure for a real client, writing technical descriptions for products, creating instruction manuals, collaborating on group project usability reports, conducting user experience research projects, editing and publishing a school literary journal, performing content audits, producing mini documentaries, and designing websites on CMS for real clients
I learned about teaching English to people who only know it as a foreign language. This helped me learn more about how to communicate with different audiences that in which a language gap is present. It helped me understand various was of communication in the format of instruction and teaching. This deepen and refined my understanding of the English language as well. Overall, I find aspects of this course useful for teaching English, but also in terms of life commutation skills and my writing.
While completing this degree, I took many classes that broadened and widened my general education in a variety of subjects. This has helped me understand what I am interested in learning about. It has also given me a great background in a lot of different topics. Additionally, I refined my writing and research skills through lots of academic writing.
To earn this certificate, I had to take many foreign language classes. The language I studied was Spanish. I also learned about economics and economies on a global scale. I learned about every aspect of how international business functions and the way most companies operate in a more interdependent and global economy.
Work & Experience
- Write 7 to 15 articles per week. - Produce news articles with fast turnaround. -Write a diverse types of articles about topics ranging across sports, gaming, and entertainment. - Research current events and find reliable sources. - Edit content to meet readability and SEO requirements. - Research and select graphics, statistics, videos, and external links to include in articles.
- Work and collaborate with team of grant writers. - Organize grant application records and information. - Research grants. - Write grant proposals. - Complete grant applications.
- Read, reviewed, and voted on poetry, photography, short story, and playwriting submissions for Snow Island’s Annual Literary Journal. - Collaborated with editing staff to make design and style choices for the journal such as page count, font, spacing, and cover design. - Conducted copyediting and proofreading for each submission. - Formatted fiction short story sections for each fiction short story submission.
- Created posters, newsletters, and other important documents. - Researched grants. - Wrote grant proposals.